
On 10th of May 2018, the Research Centre for Multilingualism team held an informative professional workshop within the framework of the Languag-E-Chance Educational Research Group’s project – Development of language conscious school, bilingual deaf education and innovative methods and tools of knowledge exploitable by language. The colleagues of the Hungarian Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and the secretaries of its country-based units participated in the event. The aim of this informative workshop was to present the main works of the Research Centre for Multilingualism – especially the current EFOP project titled Development of an accessible infocommunication service platform for persons with hearing and visual disabilities (2018–2019), and the Languag-E-Chance Educational Research Group’s project (2016–2020) – and the previous TÁMOP SIGNificant Chance Project (2013–2015). At the workshop Csilla Bartha, Péter Zalán Romanek, Margit Holecz and Anna Nagyné Kiss gave presentations on some aspects of the works done during the projects. After the presentations Zoltán Tarr introduced the studio of the research centre, the works being done there, and the participants were able to have a look at the finished materials as well.

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