- SIGNificant Chance: The theoretical and practical steps of the standardisation of Hungarian Sign Language TÁMOP 5.4.6/B-13/1-2013-0001
- Dimensions of Linguistic Otherness (European Commission, FP6, Priority 7, Specific Support Action (SSA) Contract number: 029124, (2006-2008)
- Dimensions of Linguistic Otherness (NKFP 5/126/2001 — ELTE BTK- MTA NytI – (2001–2004)
- Mother tongue, bilingualism and education in the minority regions of the Carpathian Basin Illyés Public Foundation (2004–2007)
- Bilingualism and education in Muravidék (joint project of the HAS Centre for Social Sciences Institute for Minority Studies and the Hungarian Cultural Institute of Lendva) (2002–2006)
- Member of Mercator Network of Language Diversity Centers, regional partner (EACEA LLP– EAC/30/07) (2009–2012). (Consortium leader: Cor van der Meer, Fryske Akademy)
- Hungarian Language Corpus in the Carpathian Basin (NKFP 5/044/2002, co-ordinated by the HAS Centre for Social Sciences -Institute for Minority Studies
- Language Rich Europe (LLP/DG EAC/41/09) (2010–2013)
- Language socialization models and identity in the Hungarian Deaf community (Identity) – FOG-FOF-10; 2010–2011